​Most Blessed Sacrament Church
"Emerging Adults"
ABOUT MBSC Emerging Adults

Most Blessed Sacrament Church Emerging Adults is an extension of our great church with the specific purpose of reaching middle and high school students with the teachings of the Church, and the example of Jesus Christ. Our Youth meet every Sunday in between Mass at 10:45am until 11:30am.
Our parish joyfully lives out our Catholic faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ through sacramental worship, spiritual formation, Christian service and fellowship. Although our parish consists of members of all races, cultures and different languages, we primarily celebrate fellowship within our community with joyous song and praise within the Black Catholic spiritual traditions.
We welcome visitors, new parishioners, and those interested in the Catholic faith to join us in prayer celebrating the Sacrament of the Eucharist - the most Blessed of sacraments - and to live out the invitation to be disciples of the Gospel given by Jesus Christ!

Our Philosophy

6 Pillars of MBSC Youth Ministry
Our History

​The foundation for the Parish of the Most Blessed Sacrament was laid in 1957 when Mrs. Doris Wilson donated to the Diocese of Atlanta some 20 plus acres of land lying between Fairburn and Austin Roads in the Kings Forest Subdivision. Click here for more information